Public Utilities Commission


The Case Queue Screen displays all Open Cases awaiting assignment and all cases requiring additional involvement by a CAB Representative. Previously assigned representatives and Industry Specialists are identified. If no representative is assigned, the office that performed the intake process displays.

  • Industry Specialists are defined in the Employee Master File and updated as required.
  • The Utility Master File is also used to verify that the utility has an Industry Specialist.



The goal of this module is to provide the participants with the skills to access the Case Queue Screen so that they are able to select a case.



  • Inquiry and Complaint Customer Information Management System User Manual (CIMS)
  • Case Queue Screen



The Case Queue contains:
  • New cases entered by Intake which need to be processed or researched by a Representative.
  • New cases entered by Intake that do not have all of the needed data entered.
  • New cases entered via the CPUC website. These cases typically require the assistance of Intake to complete processing.
  • Cases updated by the utility via the CPUC website.
  • Cases for which the utility has responded and require additional action from a representative.
    • 20 day first notifications that have not been responded to by the utility.
    • 10 day 2nd notifications that have not been responded to by the utility.
    • 8 day trigger notification alerting the representative to follow up with the utility prior to the 10 day 2nd notice default condition.
    • Any other notification business rule placing a case in the queue.
  • If a More Information Request letter is sent to the customer, the case does not appear on the Case Queue until a response is received from the customer. At that point the case is again displayed for assignment.
  • Consumer complaints entered via the CPUC website are transferred to the CIMS data base nightly. As soon as the database is updated the case displays on the case queue.


Information on the Case Queue Screen

1. From the CIMS Main Menu select the Case Management Module and then select the Search and Entry Module

2. Then select the Case Queue Screen from the Task List


3. Double click on Case Queue and the following screen appears.


4. To select a case, double click on the row in which the case appears and the following screen appears.


5. Begin working on the case. All available CIMS functions are available to the user from this screen.


Using the Case Queue Module


1. Review the set of customer information that has been received in Case Queue.

2. Select a case and complete the necessary work to send it to its next step in the review process.

3. Be sure to ask the instructor if there are any questions.

4. Use all tabs and pop-up windows that are necessary.