Disaster Recovery

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Experience uninterrupted performance of critical systems in the event of catastrophes by deploying BIS DRaaS (Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service). Disaster Recovery management is a modern-day solution that makes sure a firm continues to perform efficiently without losing its customers, revenue, uptime, valuable data, and entire IT infrastructure during/after a disaster. BIS DRaaS replicates a complete IT system in fail-safe mode, virtually, including networking functions, data storage, and computing to deliver business resiliency and continuity.


90% of modern companies rely on their IT infrastructure to run their operations. This means data is created, transferred, and stored all the time using hardware and software systems and servers. But cyberattacks, equipment failure, and natural disasters constantly put the IT infrastructure at the brink of losing data and operations. Many failures that happened over the years have been sudden and irreversible. The fragmented distribution of data across various systems and servers further makes recovery and management complicated and unreliable.

Here’s where our DRaaS comes to the rescue. We back up an organization’s data and IT infrastructure in a third-party cloud environment and orchestrate Data Recovery through a SaaS solution that helps the company restart operations and reclaim access to data after a catastrophe.

In the event of a disaster, when the IT infrastructure is held hostage or completely destroyed, the organization continues to run applications from our cloud or hybrid cloud environment instead of their physical server. Once we recover or replace the physical servers, we migrate the data and processes back. By doing this, the recovery time is instant or much faster, and the business reduces the cost of downtime by at least 50%.

Advantages of Disaster Recovery as a Service

Organizations with lean IT teams do not or cannot afford to research, implement, and evaluate disaster recovery strategies. They either don’t have the time or the resources.

DRaaS takes this burden off their shoulders and places it in the hands of experts, i.e., us. Hosting a disaster recovery IT infrastructure remotely with a standing IT staff waiting for disaster to strike is not a wise option. Maintaining an entire infrastructure and staff that may never come of use is rather expensive. DRaaS is a helpful solution to this problem – we have our infrastructure and staff, and you pay only when you need our services.